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My Experience at IIMUN

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What are the benefits of participating in Model United Nations?

Benefits of Participating in a Model United Nation(MUN) A MUN conference in session Hi! First of all i would like to tell who am I. My name is Aryan Prakhar and I am a student.I have participated in Indian International Model United Nations conference and have emerged as a winner in EcoSoc(Economic and Social Council) committee. On the basis of it, I am going to share my ideas. Participating in MUN is a great way to eliminate hesitation of public speaking. It is a platform on which you can give the idea of what you want the world to do for different issues. You have a chance to provide ideas that the world needs to solve certain problems. The world needs your suggestions as "Young minds are the sharpest minds". If you participate in a MUN conference then you will improve your debating and negotiation skills, and can develop the ability of questioning and answering live. Also, you will develop your ability of critical thinking. You will come to know about th